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Köstliche vegane Protein-Trüffel


Köstliche vegane Protein-Trüffel

Köstliche vegane Protein-Trüffel

Dieses Rezept für unsere köstlichen veganen Protein-Trüffel hat dir gefallen? Hier findest du mehr gesunde Fitness Rezepte.


Guide für vegane Ernährung

Alles, was du brauchst, um mit der veganen Ernährung durchzustarten.

07/17/2024 Von Myprotein

Vegane Frozen-Joghurt-Riegel

Das kühle Dessert für Zwischendurch.

5 proteinreiche, vegane Mahlzeiten, die dir dabei helfen deine Makronährstoffziele zu erreichen

So deckst du deinen täglichen Proteinbedarf spielend einfach (und lecker).

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Evangeline Howarth
Evangeline Howarth Autor und Experte
Evangeline is a Veganuary convert and newbie vegan with a degree in English and French from the University of Nottingham. Having recently ditched the meat and dairy, she really enjoys the new flavours and cooking techniques she’s encountered on a plant-based diet. She’s been shocked by the millions of ways you can use tofu, however still hasn’t found a decent cheese substitute! When she’s not in the office or eating, Evangeline usually out running or sailing. As a qualified RYA Dinghy Instructor and a marathon runner, she knows the importance of providing your body with the right nutrients for endurance sports as well as a busy lifestyle. Find out more about Evie's experience here.

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